Saturday, June 14, 2008

Father's Day---A Gift of Support and Submission To Our Husbands

Those of us who are married can definitely see God's kindness in our lives through how He has blessed us with husbands who love God and us! No matter what the condition of our marriage, though, as wives, we have a Biblical command to be a blessing to our husbands through our submissive and supportive attitude towards them.

Start now, by affirming to your husband the attributes that you are thankful for. Show him that you support him and submit to his leadership. Pat Ennis and Lisa Tatlock say something very beneficial and helpful to us all in their book, Designing A Lifestyle That Pleases God:

We should be our husband's greatest cheerleader, confidante, and encourager. We should be quick to affirm him. God has delegated a great responsibility to our husbands--they are called to lead and love as Christ (Ephesians 5:25-29). We should take time daily, weekly, and monthly to affirm his leadership in our lives and home. I would encourage you to identify specific character traits you are thankful for and then take the time to affirm him regularly. Ideas for ways you can affirm your husband include:

1) Write him notes, letters, or cards affirming specific character attributes.

2)Give him gifts representing your love and admiration for him(think of gifts that would have meaning to him--not you.)

3)Complete tasks or "do things" for your husband that communicate your love for him (e.g., running errands or completing chores that are helpful to him).

4) Listen to him. Yes, listening is a great gift to your husband and can be a tool for affirming him. Listen carefully so you can learn your husband's heart. Give him your honest input after you understand his perspective.