Tuesday, July 1, 2008

No One Else Could Do It

CJ Mahaney's book, Living The Cross Centered Life, has many nuggets to meditate on. I recently purchased this at a conference and have been reading through it. It is a wonderful book...many times while reading it I have had to put the book down just to say thank you, Lord for the cross, and what you have done for us. It reminds us of who we are and what God did for us...something we should never get over. CJ Mahaney says this in the chapter on the divine rescue:

No one else could do it. Only Jesus Christ, truly God and fully man, could be our substitute and make this sacrifice. Only Jesus could ever stand in this unique place and position. This One who lived the only perfect life also died a completely unique death as a ransom for our sin. He paid the price you and I owed to the innocent offended party, God our Creator and Judge. Therefore the offended party is appeased. His righteous wrath against our sin is satisfied, having been poured out not upon us, but on Christ. God's holy hostility against us has ended. The divine dilemma is resolved. That's what Christ's death means to God.