Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The God of Self Sufficient Fullness

It was such a blessing to have Dr. Bruce Ware speak on Sunday! His high view of God and passion were encouraging and edifying. These words of his are worthy of repeating.

When we compare what we have, can we add to the greatness, wisdom, and knowledge of God? No--all we have is what He has granted to us. He is infinitely full. We depend on God for everything, He depends on us not at all.

So then, why are we here? What is our purpose?

The answer is not that God was lonely and needed fellowship. Psalm 50--He's offended and dishonored to think so.

Rather, particularly in relation to His people, the answer is this: Though He doesn't need us, He loves us, and His purpose in creating and redeeming us is not that we might fill up some lack in Him, but that he might fill us up with Himself. He made us empty to be filled with His fullness, thirsty to drink of the water of life, weak to receive His strength, foolish to be instructed and corrected by His wisdom. In His love, He longs to give, to share the bounty. He wants us to experience in finite measure the fullness of joy and blessing that He knows infinitely--all to redound to the praise and glory of His name, the Giver and Provider of all the good we enjoy.

These truths just make me love God more....for who He is and what I am which is...an empty, thirsty, weak, and foolish person...that He chooses to love and fill. Incredible.

His book, Big Truth for Young Hearts, is a wonderful teaching tool for your families. Through its pages, you will clearly see how great and BIG our God is!