Friday, April 1, 2011

Teaching Girls About Modesty

Modesty is not something you can buy on a hanger and put on your child. Modesty comes from a heart that is submissive to God and to His commands and purposes, including God’s purpose for covering the body in clothing. Since it is God who covered the nakedness of the body as a result of our sin, we should not be surprised to see our sinful hearts (or our children’s) struggle with His requirements. Help your children see their struggle with sin. Don’t wait for the sin to grow and seize them, leading them into dangerous consequences. You know where the path of sin leads! Help them come to know their sinful selves and to know God’s grace and mercy. Modesty will become her standard as God works in her life.

Click here to see Carol G.'s helpful hints on teaching modesty to girls from her recent Wise Women segment.