Monday, June 20, 2011

Around the Blog-o-Sphere

I thought it would be interesting and helpful from time to time to post some recent links from other blogs and websites. I hope you find some of these useful.

A Lesson on Becoming an Affirmer - True Woman (a ministry of Revive Our Hearts) has a great article with some practical, Biblical tips on intentionally affirming others. And if you enjoy that, Nancy Leigh DeMoss recommends the book Practicing Affirmation by Sam Crabtree as a follow-up.

What Keeps Us from Mission - The Resurgence is beginning a series that ought to be interesting: Ten Things That Keep Us from Mission. Over 10 articles they’ll examine the following reasons: Too busy; Inadequate community support; Uncertainty of beliefs; Negative view of conversion; Loss of free time; Lack of common interests; Fear of condemnation; Fear of corruption; Fear about what to say; Loss of relationship.

The Secret of Fulfillment - Carolyn Mahaney shares the answer she wishes she had given at a conference where a woman asked her, “What do you do for personal fulfillment?”

Motherhood as a Mission Field - Rachel Jankovic at the DesiringGod blog encourages mothers that your labor is not in vain. "If you are a Christian woman who loves the Lord, the gospel is important to you. It is easy to become discouraged, thinking that the work you are doing does not matter much. If you were really doing something for Christ you would be out there, somewhere else, doing it. Even if you have a great perspective on your role in the kingdom, it is easy to lose sight of it in the mismatched socks, in the morning sickness, in the dirty dishes. It is easy to confuse intrigue with value, and begin viewing yourself as the least valuable part of the Church."