Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hospitality and Brownies (Part 3)

By Caitlin D. 

This is part 3 of a 3-part series. Read Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

You know how Scripture pops into your mind when you're praying sometimes? As soon as I asked Him, "What do you want me to do?" I suddenly remembered Micah 6:8 "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

At last, I think I'm beginning to see. Wherever you are, whatever you have, you can serve the Lord. The point is to do what you can to serve Him, and live only for His glory. Whether He calls me to a pampered life in the States or not, I can use what He gives me. Everything is for His glory. Whatever I do, I can do for Him. I'm not going to miss His will for my life if I truly want to live for His glory. He won't let me out of His will. There's no way that I can live for Christ and find myself in a cage living a wasted life. That's not what He wants for me. And He isn't reproaching me now for the life I've lived...I think He's giving me a new perspective. I still don't know what He wants me to do with my life, or in what areas He wants me to serve; I still feel kind of like I'm spinning in mid-air after all that I've seen today, but I feel certain now that He'll show me what He wants me to do.

I tried to explain some of this to S. I'm not sure how much she could make out from my confused words, but pretty soon we begin talking about household matters, and I'm reminded that I offered to help her make some brownies for the company that's coming over tomorrow night. I re-offer and head into the kitchen. She shows me a recipe, and I take over.

A curious enthusiasm awakes in me. I'm so glad to have something tangible to do with my hands! I've felt so awfully helpless all afternoon, and now I can do something to serve!

And then with this new perspective, the world around me falls into recognizable order. I'm no longer spinning; I know where I am, what I'm doing, and why. Joy and thankfulness bubble up inside me as I realize that perhaps as I was crying out to God, "What do you want me to do?" His answer to me was (with a smile): "Go and make those brownies!"

God is pleased with everything that is done for His glory, even if they are things we think are mundane or unimportant like mopping the floor, cleaning up trash, or changing a baby's diaper. When done with a joyful attitude of service, we can perform the smallest chore for God's greater glory. Of course, to say that God's answer to me was to make a pan of brownies is a bit of an oversimplification. There is no easy answer to that, but He doesn't answer that kind of question all at once. What His answer seemed to be was, "Just start serving, and I'll show you where to go."

If ever brownies were made for the glory of God, those brownies I made that night were. They were chewy and irresistible, and D. and I and a few of the kids made sure none of the batter went to waste. I even put in my special multicolored sprinkles that I'd brought from home. But equally sweet was the new, fresh perspective God gave me that day. Through hospitality and brownies.