Monday, August 15, 2011

Choosing Our Mental Direction

By Kim W.

What do we as women focus our hearts and minds on? Are we constantly meditating on God's Word or easily distracted by the things of this world? I can think of many times that I have disobeyed the Lord because I was ignorant of what His Word said. I was thinking about what others thought of me, I was so busy that I didn't even consider God's Word, or I was simply making choices based on what I wanted, not what God wanted. All of these things show a lack of love for His Word... so let's challenge one another to be studying and meditating on what God wants for us, which is only found in Scripture. As we study and meditate on His Truths, we will grow in the Lord and allow God's Word to govern our lives. Our minds will be focused in the right and best direction if we do this.

"Meditation on Scripture is a discipline. We must commit ourselves to be proactive. We must memorize key passages (or carry them on cards) so we can think about them. We must be alert for those times during the day when we can turn our minds to the Word of God, and then we must do it. Even the practice of daily Bible reading is insufficient if we go the rest of the day without meditating on some truths of Scripture. We must choose to meditate instead of thinking about other things or listening to the radio or watching television. We simply have to decide what we want our minds to be influenced by, and take steps accordingly."

~ Jerry Bridges